Source file extensions: .uce
uce-template is inspired by Vue 3, uce-template provides a custom builtin
element to define components in a Vue fashion.
uce-template defines Custom Elements so they can be used in any story definition that supports HTML and optionally properties.
import './my-counter.uce';
export const story1 = () => '<my-counter></my-counter>';
uce-template is powered by uhtml so it's probably more idiomatic to use it. uhtml is also supported.
import './my-counter.uce';
import { html } from 'uhtml';
export const story1 = () => html`<my-counter .prop1=${3}></my-counter>`;
See uhtml documentation for more information.
Quick example
<template is="uce-template">
<style scoped>
span {
color: green;
<the-green> The <span>{{thing}}</span> is green </the-green>
<script type="module">
export default {
setup() {
return { thing: 'world' };